LAYOUT-LAYER was made to let you build 99% of layouts without creating a single custom class. It comes with a set of reusable utility classes to control elements across all default breakpoints.
It's meant to be applied on top of a style system of your choice, e.g. Client-First by Finsweet. That's why classes for text sizes, spacers, paddings etc. were not included. Clone LAYOUT-LAYER and copy/paste ll-wrapper into a new draft page in your project.
Also, check the "Global Settings" tab in the side panel for useful CSS properties to be applied on HTML tags. Unfortunately, these styles will not be copied with the page. You have to set them manually.
Ideally, add classes as custom attributes
Instead of adding classes in the Style panel, head over to settings, add attribute "class" and apply the utility classes in the value field. For example class="grid-3 ml-grid-2 gap-s"
The only disadvantage is that you will not be able to change a class name globally, but probably you will never have to. Also, for some unknown reason width and height classes sometimes doesn't work in the Designer when added as an attribute, so add them normally. That's a Webflow bug.
Why not custom classes?
Once you learn LAYOUT-LAYER, your workflow will be faster, easier and your projects simpler to manage and more performant.
Breakpoint-specific positions are not included, as you would very rarely use them for elements without custom styling.